Service Improvements

Quarterbridge has the experience and staff to improve lettings, rationalise operating costs, boost popularity and footfall, all of which will improve the performance of your market.

Following the principle that perfection can never be wholly achieved, the same applies to retail markets which need to continually evolve and improve to maintain relevance within their town-centres.

Short-term gains and long-term strategic shift

Our auditors, retail managers and dedicated market letting agents are highly-experienced in delivering both short-term gains and longer-term strategic shift. Our team of experts in their particular fields will investigate and make recommendations (and implement if required) to improve market services.

Identifying weaknesses and areas of improvement

Market services can become complacent and somewhat sedentary in their management style and Quarterbridge will quickly identify weaknesses and areas for improvement including: Service-related costs and in particular time and motion, waste management, NNDR business rate apportionment and cleansing.

Increasing occupancy

Our agency department will study the tenant mix and identify weaknesses and propose remedies in order to increase ‘relevant’ occupancy.


Quarterbridge branding and PR specialists will distinguish the meaning of the market and re-model where appropriate to provide a clear retail branded message.

A clear strategy for improvement

Our business modelers will pull the various strands together into a coherent and implementable strategy for improvement.

Markets need to continually evolve and improve to maintain relevance within their town-centres.